By Edward Alexander
Jefferson County's branch of GIPC (Good Intentions Paving Company) wants the Port Townsend food co-op to boycott Israeli products unless that country disbands itself as a Jewish state.
To earn a place for its products on co-op shelves, Israel must forfeit its right to defend itself by tearing down its security fence, must bring back the Arab refugees who, in an entirely self-inflicted calamity, fled in 1947-48 rather than accept the United Nation's (U.N.) two-state solution, and so on ad nauseam.
This is a policy of politicide: Israel may not exist as a Jewish state. The co-op need not require the numerous Islamic regimes or Christian states to justify a place for their products on the sacrosanct shelves of Port Townsend. No, there is only one country whose "right to exist," though recognized by the League of Nations nearly a century ago and confirmed by the U.N. in 1948, is considered a legitimate subject of debate.
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